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Comparison of tolerance of new cotton crosses to bollworm population ( Helicoverpa armigera (Hub.) in Golestan province

162-165Full Text

Mojeni T.D* and Zangi M

Cotton is as important and strategic crops with serious problems of pests, so far any varieties has not introduced tolerant to pests. Cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) ,a major pest of cotton in Iran and world which cause economic damage to cotton crop. An experiment was conducted as randomized complete block with three replications and 13 hybrids(16-84,113,114-2,19-84,100,104,3-84,684,1084,102,108,106 and sahel variety) immobilized in each plot with 6 line including 8-meter by cropping pattern 80×20 on 2014-2015. .In order to investigation changes in different growth stages of the cotton bollworm samples were regularly collected weekly from 5 plants per plot and middle stages of the pest was also recorded in special tables. Composited analysis showed that treatments of, 114-2, 19-84 and 102had the highest yield at the rates of 918, 817 and 837kg/ha respectively in 5 % level. I view of hybrids treatments of 19-84, 104 and 3-84 had the highest earliness percentage at the rate of, 94.23, 92.42 and 91.36, respectively. The infection rate of bollworm treatments hybrids 6-84,102, 113 and 3-84 by 0.363, 0.363, 0.330 and 0.243, had the lowest density of plant pest infestation.

Study on Ultra Narrow Row system in cotton culture on population dynamic of Thrips tabaci (L.) in the fields of Golestan province

166-169Full Text

Mojeni T.D

One of the practical implications of cotton cultivation, Is the distance between rows very narrow or that called UNR. In this method instead of in row spacing of 40 cm below the open space will be used. This planting method saves pesticide use, water, reduce weeding costs, increase production, and cotton is premature. In this two-year trial to assess the effects of agriculture on the population within a very narrow row sucking- pests Thrips tabaci (L.) during 2014-2015. Factorial experiment to evaluate and compare the population dynamic of sucking-pests , Sahel, Sepeid and Golestan varites ( Factor A) using two methods spacing narrow 80 × 20 and 25 × 20 cm ( factor B) in the form of randomized complete block design in 3 replicates were evaluated . Samplings done weekly in each sampling 5 plants were selected randomly and in each plant 3 leaves from top, middle and bottom were inspected and the number of important sucking insects (thrips) was counted and rerecorded. The data was analysis by MSTAT Mean comparison revealed, thrips population density is very narrow gap in agriculture, the yield rate of the tested intervals Golestan cultivar distance of 80 cm with an average yield of 4422.87gr/plots maximum yield and Sepid with a distance of 25 cm with an average yield of 3108.33gr/plots had the lowest yield. Infection of the tested varieties in cultivation are very narrow thrips populations on Sahel and Golestan cultivar with 25cm respectively, 3.52 and 3.11 thrips per leaf has the highest infection and number density on Sahel with distance 80cm 1.24 thrips per leaf have shown minimal infection. Therefore Golestan cultivar with an average yield important sucking pests such as thrips population infection, the lowest cotton cultivation in agriculture ultra-narrow row 80 and 25 centimeters had in the cotton fields.

Site Suitability Evaluation for Ecotourism Using GIS & MCDM: A Case Study of Bazangan Lake Watershed, Iran

170-181Full Text

Amir Hossein Zarghi*, Alireza Bidkhori and Sayed Mohsen Hosseini

The criteria affecting ecotourism development were identified using Delphi Questionnaire and expertise opinion. Then, the main- and sub-criteria were compared pair wisely. The weight of each level of the hierarchy was judged using Expert Choice Software. Finally, the required map layers were weighted and all of the weighted criteria maps that had already been prepared in the scale of 1:250000 were converted from vector format into the raster to be overlaid in GIS. Slope, vegetation cover, landscape and ecotourism infrastructures was recognized as a key factor in ecological land capability evaluation of the study area. Processing data by GIS, the map of suitable, averagely suitable, and unsuitable zones for ecotourism development were prepared. The results revealed that out of the entire study area, 229 ha (59%) has a suitable capability, 77.5 ha (20%) has a medium suitability and 84 ha (21%) has a poor capability for ecotourism development.

Application of fuzzy multi-criteria decision making techniques in Fuzzy Ranking of Factors Affecting Earnings Management in Tehran Stock Exchange

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Azadeh Safari*, Malihe Abed and Zahra Nazami

The main purpose of this research is to rank factors affecting earnings management using hierarchical analysis technique in fuzzy environment. In this regard, according to the literature of research and review of different sources, the most important criteria and indicators affecting profit management were identified. As a result, 15 important criteria were identified in 4 groups: 1- Structural factors 2- Financial factors 3- External factors 4- Individual factors. Prior to analyzing this information, FAHP technique was used to prioritize factors. The results show that structural factors have the highest priority and most impact on earnings management in Tehran Stock Exchange, while financial factors are in second place and external and individual factors are in the second place respectively.


189-191Full Text

Shakarbaev Ulugbek Abdulakimovich* and Shodieva Fotima Ochilovna

The results of the study of the fauna of trematode cercaria, which develop in Lymnaeidae, in the region are presented. Pathenitae and cercariae are recorded in seven species of the genus Lymnaea, namely, L. auricularia, L. truncatula, L. stagnalis, L. corvus, L. palustris, L. peregra, and L. bactriana. Sixteen cercaria species of 14 genera and 9 families were revealed. Cercariae developing were recorded in the basins of Syrdarya water, cause trematodosov -induced diseases in fish, birds and mammalians.